Thursday, November 09, 2006


Christmas season is just around the corner. Here in North America the "temptations" are already out there. The tv commercials are already flashing every five minutes. To many Africans, christmas is still a western holiday.But that has not stopped them from celebrating christmas even more than westerners themselves. There are of course tons of theories against and for christmas. But one important question is Are Christmas Traditions Christian? I found this article that tries to answer this question. Click here.


Anonymous said...

well jeff, i didn't get through the entire article, but for sure christmas doesnt have much to do with christ. and as for what it's turned into these days i'm sure mr. christ wouldn't be too pleased.

on my side of the family we have a draw and whoever wins get to pick their charity of choice and each family contrubutes $50.

on my husband's side we just don't bother.

so this leaves our direct family to deal with and now that our daughter is grow up, i don't need to put up decorations anymore (whew!!!!). we're not religious and i have my spiritual practises but hubby and daughter don't partake (though daugher's healing strenghts are coming in and she's turning more to aboriginal believes...the interest is now there).

we're certainly not extravagent with one another, but income level dictates that :) . basically christmas is our excuse for cooking a turkey (super yummy!) , spending time with each other and other family and a few's a vacation, a pause, not a 'holy-day'.

most native indians i know celebrate it just as an excuse for gift-giving and getting together. but then the potlatch and giving gifts is an anceint traditiion. 'gifting' someone is common and is a sign of respect and friendship.

to think, from reading the article, we are are ackknowledging ourselves and each other as 'kings' by bestowing presents :)

this will be my second christmas without family as i camp in my tent on the big island of hawaii to escape the devastating effects of having seasonal affective disorder. while i don't normally drink at all, last year i found myself on the ground, having drowned my christmas away from family sorrows in peppermint schnapps!!!!!!!

i'll stay away from the booze this year...the hangover was a hard lesson :)

Sean Carter said...

Christmas i guess is more of a celebration time with family, frens and a time to take a lovely vacation and indulge yourself in sinful cakes and chocolates and pamper yourself with lovely gifts and that has become a ritual in most parts of the world!!Meanwhile if you want some cool ideas for this christmas you can jus dig into my
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